Soupbone Collective

A Soupbone Questionnaire

Soupbone Collective

  1. What moves you?

  2. What was the last delicious thing you ate?

  3. When was the last time you felt awash with sweetness?

  4. Where were you when you were happiest?

  5. When were you when you were happiest?

  6. Why do you like what you like?

  7. Why do you do what you do?

  8. What’s a song with the power to change your whole mood?

  9. What’s a rule that you follow without any good coming from it?

  10. What might change if you stopped following it?

  11. When has someone said something you needed to hear?

  12. Can you do the same for someone else?

  13. What question do you wish someone would ask you?

  14. What have you been meaning to throw away, but haven’t yet?

  15. Why haven’t you?

  16. What are you waiting to finish?

  17. If you had the words, what would you say to them?


† The Audre Lorde Questionnaire to Oneself ed. Divya Victor
† 44 Questions to Ask While Waiting by Benji Hart
† The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers by Bhanu Kapil

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