Soupbone Collective

Stop! Drop! Collage!

H.Z. & Margaret Schnabel

Holly! It’s Margaret :-)
sorry for the delay!

[six days pass]

prime evidence of why i should not own a phone
i am so sorry for the delay

HAHA it’s ok!!
[...] do you remember how you first heard about collaging? what were your initial impressions?

one of my first introductions to it was through tumblr, actually! i was a part of the “art journal” crowd & remember seeing a lot of really beautiful & innovative spreads
now my collaging practice most often takes place outside of journals, but there was a span of 3-4 years where i kept art journals & posted them online!
Feb 1
June 1
Margaret’s art journal photos
i was also an early fan of Rookie Mag’s collage kits
i remember being in awe of how they all got the “best stuff” for collaging, since so much of collaging ~au natural~ involves hours of flipping through old books & magazines that might turn up nothing of interest, or not quite what you’d hoped for aesthetically
having a ready-made collage kit felt a little bit like cheating actually
Rookie Mag collage kits
when did you first hear abt collaging??

Woahh now that I think about it, my first intro was also probably through tumblr! Maybe spreads with moody song lyrics…
I probably also had some school assignments that involved collaging, but I didn’t really try it for myself until a couple of years ago during lockdown when I had more time to myself to make art
I haven’t heard of the rookie mag kits actually!! I wish I had that! I feel like the hardest part of collaging is gathering source material—I remember using some fortune cookie fortunes that I had saved in grade school & feeling relieved that my grade school self [had] the foresight

hahaha I love that so much
the impulse to save things simply because they might one day make it into a collage is REAL
how often do you collage??

Unfortunately I don’t have too much time to collage that often :-( maybe only a couple of times a year
What about you? For me I only do it a couple of times a year because I’ll usually take an entire day or an entire afternoon/night
I wish i had a lot more unstructured free time in my life 🥺 but maybe i need to find ways to fit play into shorter timeframes

mmm yes i often get around to it once a week or once every two weeks since i’ve learned to be ok w picking up & putting down the same piece over several sessions!
it’s tough though it is the kind of activity that i feel is best when you can really get absorbed into it
i’m curious—what aspects of collaging feel like play to you?

Ahhh i really need to practice returning to the same piece over multiple sessions—I always feel this urge to do it in one sitting
I’m so dehydrated afterward
I like the act of sifting through magazines and random pages of things that I’ve collected! I like the physicality of it, feeling what textures go together or cutting shapes out of images to play with negative space
And it’s fun to read articles from magazines that i use while i look through them—i probably wouldn’t have read them otherwise
Sometimes I’ll come across a picture or a comic that will remind me of a friend, and it’s fun to cut them out to gift to them 💌
Are there any aspects of collaging that _don’t_ feel like play to you? And are there any source materials that you favor?

excellent q! oddly enough it’s sometimes the physical demands of it (which seem minimal but definitely add up over time)--my neck gets super sore from hunching over pages & as a lefty scissors are not in general made for me lol so after a while my hands hurt too
I happened to stumble upon a veritable TREASURE TROVE of collaging material about a month ago—someone had left a box of old gardening/photography/gemstone/outer space books on the sidewalk outside their house for anyone to take
so i of course scooped them right up
& then had a collage-themed party w some friends which was excellent :)
photos from the collage party
what do you most often do with your collages once you’ve made them? & do you have any tips for someone just venturing into the ✨world of collage✨?

The gemstone & outer space books…To die for
And yes i definitely relate to the physical demands of it—my desk in my room isn’t big enough to hold all the materials I have open when I collage, so i end up sitting hunched over on the floor with everything
I sit in the worst posture and after several hours my body gets so sore
Hmm I’d say that about half the time, i give my collages to my friends (usually I’ll have constructed them with a specific friend in mind) or if it’s just for myself, i keep it glued in my sketchbook
Once I made a zine with them!!! But that was a very involved effort where i had to take photos of all the collages, resize/edit them in illustrator, and then figure out how to print them as a booklet
As for tips, I’m someone who finds it helpful to have a prompt to work with—for collaging, i make a prompt for myself by sifting through magazines/other texts and seeing if there are any words or phrases that stand out to me
One time i also made a collage based on one of ocean vuong’s poems ( Poems are nice because they’re already filled with imagery!

Ocean Vuong collages
What’s your process like for getting started with collaging? Do you usually have a specific idea in mind before you begin?
I’ve noticed that a lot of your pieces have a playful tone—i think it’s partially due to the recurring motifs of stars and hearts and other fun stickers. Are you intentional about that, like do you make something with the desire to have a certain kind of playful aesthetic?

[re: the Ocean Vuong collages] THIS IS AMAZING
I’m noticing a really cool distinction in our collage styles—I love how yours have so much unity and you craft a singular, coherent scene that fills the page
great q! not to go tortured artist™ (tumblr teen™?) on you, but the real answer is that i often reach for collaging when i’m trying to process a difficult emotion
often heartbreak- or love-adjacent
as it will be
we humans r so simple & soft
but yeah! one time i made a series using texts from a person with whom i had/have a deeply complicated relationship & ended up showing them—they loved the collages, which was a sweet & confusing feeling. like in my head i’d made these sort-of-damning collages laying their words bare, & then they loved the art.
that sounds SO angsty teen of me

re: the playful tone, i definitely love not taking things too seriously or being too precious about my collages—i love humor and irony and playful dissonance, so my collages very often end up reflecting those predilections (biases?)
i was thrilled one time when i found a recipe for “naked ginger cake” in a food magazine to pair with a nude painting of a ginger in a book of klimt’s work
i love making little jokes out of the juxtaposition/proximity of different images
which reminds me!
i have this pet theory that collage is one of the mediums best suited to the ~current moment~ because in today’s world we’re almost inescapably inundated with images, phrases, ideas—and when you/if you turn to creating something of your own, often the most honest &/or valuable thing you can do is offer up your own idiosyncratic curation of of the images you’ve encountered. collage makes that curation physical/obvious—it’s like a physical trace of the unique pathway you took through the day’s/week’s/decade’s images.
how do you think about collage? does it feel like an old or new form of play to you, or somewhere in between? what feels different abt it to you than other mediums?

we really are so simple and so soft :”)
i wonder if the process of tearing apart paper or cutting things up adds to the catharsis of creating a collage
& knowing that collage as a medium kind of defies “perfection” in that it’s not necessary to cut edges perfectly or tear anything precisely
[re: M’s story abt making collage of a friend’s texts] OMG. was there a particular sort of reaction you were looking to elicit from them? i always feel so weird about showing people art or writing that is about them when it is not exactly written _for them_…i’m always a little scared to see how people will react
[re: “naked ginger” collage] this is FANTASTIC
[re: pet theory] yes, absolutely!! i just looked up the history of collage because i was curious, and i came across this article:,onto%20their%20canvases%20in%201912
(in the economist???)
it goes over the influence of collage in surrealism, the way it challenges highbrow/lowbrow art categories, and how it is also used as a protest medium. i thought this paragraph was interesting:
“In this still life, Picasso stuck a scrap of real newspaper onto the canvas. The viewer can stand and read the words, if they want. Whether the specific story, about the coronation of Tsar Alexander III in Russia, was intended to have any specific symbolic meaning remains a moot point. By introducing a real newspaper into the composition, rather than painting one, Picasso has conjured a world that exists in time as well as space.”
it’s kind of like what you were saying about the temporality of the medium—even though you’re using objects and artworks that already exist, the end piece that you create will still be unique because of the way they’re put together
it’s both an artifact of your emotional state/thought processes and as well as a physical artifact of what existed in the world at the time you made the collage
[re: “how do you think abt collage?” q] i think collage feels like a relatively new form of play to me because i so strongly associate it with magazines with photos! since that’s what i mainly work with, but reading the article, it looks like it’s actually been around for centuries
i’m curious about the way collaging will change now that we upload so much of our artwork onto the internet—the computer screen is inherently flat and will two dimensionalize (is that a word?) everything for the viewer, so the paper textures of collages and layering doesn’t come across as much
there’s this one neural network from openAI that got a lot of publicity called dallE, and i tried feeding it a collage prompt because i was curious
my prompt was “a collage with a recipe for ginger cake and a woman with ginger hair in the style of klimt”
these are the model outputs!
dallE outputs
thinking about collaging as surrealism, how it blurs the lines between what’s real and what’s not, and how these models add another level of surrealism to it for the viewer—did a real person make these? does it matter?

yooooo these are INCREDIBLE
I love love love those last two questions (& actually end up thinking about “intention” a lot both in terms of my personal practice & what i study—contemporary experimental poetry)
i feel like w AI systems like dallE everything they produce is always already collage, if that makes sense—they’re trained on images so every image they “create” is a modification or perversion or average of the images they’ve been fed
which is not that different from a person creating art, actually, if you want to get spooky/a little cynical!
there’s a line from Ginsberg’s “a supermarket in california” that i love & that feels applicable here: “in my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images…”
collaging = shopping for images? life = shopping for images too, sometimes?
[re: “were you hoping for a specific reaction?” q] & ha no, but i wonder if it speaks a little bit to how i think about the power of collage & maybe links back into that Picasso quote you pulled out—on collage having the ability to situate something in time as well as space. making those collages felt like both dredging up something from the past and relegating it to the past (ik i’m in danger of not making sense here)--like once it’s on paper and framed aesthetically it becomes a relic again, of a past way of thinking or feeling or speaking that now serves a new purpose (to be reflected upon! to be surprised by! to take issue with! to be in dialogue with a bunch of flowers or a sticker of an old-time telephone or a receipt or what have you!)
i wonder whether we’re circling around the idea of collage sometimes feeling transgressive, in an oddly low-stakes way—both in the activist way you looked into (so cool???) & the sheer-pleasure-of-ripping-up-something-that-was-intended-to-be-whole way
maybe also this links into surrealism
& not overly privileging or being too precious about reality?
which is something play does particularly well
ok FINAL QUESTION since we’re running out of time
give me a version of your ideal collage experience/environment/etc
what you’re working with, what you’re feeling, what it looks like

[re: dallE thread] YES, that is so true!!! My mind is blown…
[re: “shopping for images”] YES to this too, life as shopping for images, as trying to figure out what images to shop for
[re: collage for a friend] Omg yes this makes total sense to me! i like what you said about reframing something by placing it in a new context—sometimes i spend a lot of time trying to understand the past or present in the context that i know it in, but maybe it’d be helpful to think about it in a completely different/surreal/playful aesthetic one
[re: reality idea] Oohh YES wow i was reading and responding to things in chronological order while on the subway & yesss you said the same thing except better
[re: “ideal collage environment” q] The first thing that comes into my head is gardening! I saw this collage-esque exhibit once where an artist made patterns with tulip petals…so far, I’ve only worked with various forms of paper, but I’d like to do more with nature, to explore temporality in a perhaps more immediate sense
I like being outside a lot, and from my experience of living in the city, i feel like i need to be extra extra intentional about allocating time to be Outside. I’d like to create something out in the mountains or the beaches or maybe even central park! & use only found materials from that location
honestly there’s so much trash literally everywhere (😥) that I bet i could find some interesting texts and images to work with along with pieces of nature
I’m still in the subway so my messages are taking forever to send, but i suddenly remember the name of the artist I mentioned! Jennifer tee!
& as for what I’m feeling, I’d like to feel like i have all the time in the world
What about you!! What does your ideal collage landscape look like, physical and emotional and otherwise?

nature collaging sounds so lovely :’) reminds me of this artist who arranges flower petals onto t-shirts & then delicately hammers them to dye the t-shirts—that kind of dye fades after a couple washes so it’s a v ephemeral kind of beauty/art
[re: “feeling like i have all the time in the world”] gosh now THAT’S the dream ha
& I think my ideal ~collage scenario~ would actually be really similar to the party I hosted a couple weeks ago—surrounded by friends, massive piles of magazines and old books that everyone’s brought like we’re all crows amassing a treasure trove of the daily junk of life………………music playing, snacks scattered around, interrupting each other to stick cut-out images onto one another & peek at each other’s creations before they’re done
so! counting myself pretty lucky to have been able to experience what i guess is my Collage Dream:)
thank you so much for this discussion—you are brilliant & i learned so much about a form that i thought i knew pretty well (!!)

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